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Brand Owner and Distributor

We represent an attractive mix of international and local brands. The end customer, i.e. the consumers, demand goods that are affordable and meet their preferences and their willingness to pay. Our customers are looking for a partner who can provide the end customer with products that are competitive, are highly demanded and generate profitability.

Through continuous development of our product range, we ensure that our customer offering consists of products that are attractive in the eyes of our customers and end customers.

Our companies in Products

Tage Lind­blom

Tage Lind­blom is an expert in food­ser­vice, with food prod­ucts and solu­tions designed to make life eas­i­er in the pro­fes­sion­al kitchen. We pro­vide the Swedish food­ser­vice mar­ket and food indus­try with a range that main­ly con­sists of gro­ceries, cheese and oth­er dairy prod­ucts. A large share of the prod­ucts are organ­ic and are deliv­ered in pack­ag­ing designed to make work eas­i­er in the kitchen.


Bry dig

Bry Dig is a dis­trib­u­tor with a select range of prod­ucts for con­sumers who care, both about them­selves and their sur­round­ings. What­ev­er your needs are, we can cre­ate a com­mer­cial solu­tion to man­age the Swedish mar­ket, with every­thing from full-scale dis­trib­u­tor solu­tions to cus­tomised solu­tions involv­ing field sales, key account man­age­ment, trade mar­ket­ing and more. We main­ly tar­get the FMCG and ser­vice trade in Sweden.


Trade & Dis­tri­b­u­tion (No, Fi)

Trade & Dis­tri­b­u­tion main­ly acts as a dis­trib­u­tor, and rep­re­sents both inter­na­tion­al and local brands on the Nor­we­gian and Finnish mar­kets. We offer every­thing from full-scale dis­trib­u­tor­ships and import solu­tions, to cus­tomised com­mer­cial solu­tions involv­ing field sales, key account man­age­ment, mar­ket­ing and launch plans, mar­ket analy­ses, etc. We han­dle assign­ments in gro­cery and con­ve­ni­ance trade as well as foodservice.


Agera Trad­ing Partner

Agera Trad­ing Part­ner rep­re­sent large, world-lead­ing pro­duc­ers of sin­gle-use items, can­dles and par­ty prod­ucts in the Nordics. Our cus­tomers can be found in the Nordic gro­cery trade, home dec­o­ra­tion stores, e‑commerce and dis­count trade.


Prescott is one of the lead­ing full ser­vice dis­trib­u­tors on the Finnish FMCG mar­ket. We enjoy a strong posi­tion in sev­er­al prod­uct cat­e­gories, includ­ing con­fec­tionery and pas­ta, where we sell prod­ucts with well-estab­lished brands. Our prod­ucts are main­ly sold in gro­cery and con­ve­ni­ance trade, but also in food­ser­vice and to the food industry.
