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Market-leading in-store sales and marketing services with proven track record of growing our principals' business

Our customers are looking for a partner who can provide them with the optimal conditions for sales and marketing in stores. Through tailor made solutions we are the extended arm of the brand owner and implement their sales and marketing activities. We visit thousands of stores in the Nordics regularly and create measurable impact for our clients.
We do this by, for exemple:
• Ensure that the product is available in the store
• Make the product visible to the consumer in an attractive way
• Carry out campaigns and campaign exposures
• Report insights and results

Our services

Field sales

We pro­vide flex­i­ble and effi­cient solu­tions to man­age field sales on behalf of our prin­ci­pals. Through our sales teams we rep­re­sent our clients, dri­ve their sales, and advance the posi­tion of their prod­ucts and brands in the gro­cery, con­ve­ni­ance and dis­count trade as well as the food ser­vice and phar­ma­cy sectors.

Key account management

We work with all of the lead­ing retail chains and whole­salers in the Nordic coun­tries, rep­re­sent­ing our clients in every­thing from pro­mo­tion­al plan­ning to negotiations.

Prod­uct demonstrations

We plan, car­ry out and report pro­fes­sion­al­ly con­duct­ed in-store con­sumer sam­plings to dri­ve tri­al and aware­ness of our clients’ prod­ucts and brands.


We pro­vide project-based and per­ma­nent solu­tions for orders and shelf replen­ish­ment, pro­mo­tion­al dis­play build­ing and sig­nage, and oth­er vol­ume dri­ving in-store activ­i­ties on behalf of our clients.


We devel­op, plan and con­duct many dif­fer­ent types of events to cre­ate pos­i­tive atten­tion, aware­ness and ulti­mate­ly gen­er­ate sales of our clients’ prod­ucts, ser­vices and brands.

In-store mate­ri­als

We devel­op effec­tive equip­ment and in-store mate­ri­als that enhance com­mu­ni­ca­tion and sales for our clients’ prod­ucts and brands.


We can offer every­thing from project-based ser­vices on pro­mo­tion­al sales assig­nents, to tai­lor­made solu­tions pro­vid­ing a ded­i­cat­ed tele­sales organ­i­sa­tion to our clients.

Ser­vices for safe hygiene

We offer ser­vices and prod­ucts with the aim of opti­miz­ing the hygiene process for cus­tomers pri­mar­i­ly in the restau­rant and hotel mar­ket. The ser­vices we offer include tech­ni­cal ser­vice on dish­wash­ing equip­ment, train­ing and staffing.

Our companies in Services

Sales Sup­port (Se, No, Fi, Dk)

Sales Sup­port offers effec­tive sales ser­vices rang­ing from Key Account Man­age­ment to Field Sales. As the lead­ing sales com­pa­ny in the Nordics, our sales teams rep­re­sent and strength­en our clients’ posi­tions and cre­ate prof­itable growth by dri­ving sales, improv­ing dis­tri­b­u­tion and build­ing brands.



Mer­salg is a lead­ing field sales and mer­chan­dis­ing organ­i­sa­tion that oper­ates nation­wide in Nor­way, rep­re­sent­ing our FMCG and ser­vice retail clients in stores. Mer­salg pro­vide flex­i­ble, cus­tomised sales force solu­tions that dri­ve sales and improve prod­uct and brand positions.


In Store Mar­ket­ing (Se, Dk)

In Store Mar­ket­ing spe­cialis­es in tac­ti­cal point-of-sale com­mu­ni­ca­tion and shop­per focused activ­i­ties on the Swedish and Dan­ish mar­kets. With turnkey solu­tions for mer­chan­dis­ing, prod­uct demon­stra­tions, tem­po­rary sales activ­i­ties and events, we pro­mote our clients’ prod­ucts and brands in a per­son­al, expe­ri­en­tial way.



Johdin spe­cialis­es in tac­ti­cal point-of-sale/in-store mar­ket­ing and tac­ti­cal con­sumer com­mu­ni­ca­tions on the Finnish mar­ket. With turnkey solu­tions for mer­chan­dis­ing, prod­uct demon­stra­tions, tem­po­rary sales activ­i­ties and events, we pro­mote our clients’ prod­ucts and brands in a per­son­al, expe­ri­en­tial way.



Four­side is a com­plete part­ner for point-of-sale com­mu­ni­ca­tion that boosts the vis­i­bil­i­ty of clients’ prod­ucts and brands in store. With our team of project man­agers, graph­ic design­ers and tech­ni­cal design­ers, we cre­ate in-store mate­r­i­al that boosts sales, as well as cus­tomised solu­tions for dif­fer­ent types of store equip­ment such as push­ers, dis­plays and more.



Hygien­grup­pen spe­cial­izes in opti­miz­ing the hygiene process in the hotel and restau­rant mar­ket in Swe­den, where we oper­ate main­ly in the Mälardalen region. The prod­ucts we pro­vide are chem­i­cal-tech­ni­cal prod­ucts, con­sum­ables and equip­ment as well as tools. Our ser­vices include tech­ni­cal ser­vice for disk arma­ment, train­ing and staffing.


Gra­di­ent Benchmark

Gra­di­ent Bench­mark is the mar­ket-lead­ing play­er in B2B cus­tomer bench­mark­ing. The offer includes indus­try­wide, data­based eval­u­a­tions that help sup­pli­ers, whole­salers, and trade actors with­in the FMCG indus­try as well as near­by sec­tors to devel­op their busi­ness and strength­en their com­pet­i­tive­ness. Gra­di­ent Bench­mark is active in all the Nordic mar­kets, with offices in Stock­holm and Copenhagen.



Fin­fact, with the Fac­tum report, is the lead­ing play­er in B2B cus­tomer bench­mark­ing on the Finnish mar­ket. We per­form indus­try-wide eval­u­a­tions that help sup­pli­ers, whole­salers and traders in the FMCG indus­try, ser­vice trade, food­ser­vice mar­ket as well as near­by sec­tors to devel­op their oper­a­tions, strength­en their com­pet­i­tive­ness and dri­ve sales. Fin­fact is a sub­sidiary of Gra­di­ent Bench­mark which con­ducts sim­i­lar oper­a­tions in all the Nordic markets.
